Creating a FX Market AI Algorithm!

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Hello everyone,

A few years ago, I was introduced to and became fascinated by the world of finance, especially the foreign exchange market. I lacked prior experience in commerce, aside from hearing from many that successful trading was primarily reserved for businesses. Nevertheless, I decided to give it a try. Along the way, I discovered that you don’t necessarily need an extensive financial background to invest; all it takes is some of your student allowance and a great deal of determination.


My university experience revolved around biomedical research, where I was taught to formulate theories based on well-established facts. In essence, I was following in the footsteps of many scientists and their predecessors. Therefore, when I delved into the stock market for the first time, it was a completely unfamiliar environment. Everything revolved around predictions and analyzing current world events. Over time, with extensive study through platforms like YouTube (an invaluable resource), online courses, and attending a few seminars, I gradually accumulated a wealth of theoretical knowledge about the market. This knowledge enabled me to make well-informed decisions regarding price movements.


After reaching a certain level of expertise, I found myself doing what many others do: persuading my friends to learn about the stock market. However, as anyone who has been in my position knows, despite how much theoretical knowledge you impart, most individuals still hesitate to hit the “execute trade” button. The adage “put your money where your mouth is” became particularly evident to me when I witnessed people refrain from making a winning trade due to doubt and fear.


Many of us have encountered advertisements urging us to invest. Yet, after completing the initial email verification and perhaps a cursory read, we often give up, daunted by the effort and time required to achieve “financial freedom.” I understand this sentiment. Those who click on such ads typically do so because they care about their future. However, trading isn’t straightforward; it involves numerous complex aspects.


Despite the uncertainties inherent in the stock market, most people abandon their efforts not due to the complexity of the endeavor but rather due to the emotional rollercoaster it entails and the perseverance it demands.

The BIG Idea

So, I thought to myself, how could you take away the fear and doubt so that people can approach the stock market with open arms instead of confusion and chaos? The solution was using artificial intelligence (AI) trading. Yup, it’s exactly what it says on the tin – some algorithms can trade for you. A decade ago, this would have simply been a proposed idea; now, it’s gradually becoming a new approach towards trading. Most people would ask, “how can you blindly trust robotic software with your money?” But an algorithm will make a rational decision based on numbers rather than emotions.


After some time, I developed an AI-assisted trading strategy that, while embracing a high-risk, high-reward approach, could seize opportunities in the market with the right settings. I have tested this strategy and have no doubts about the algorithm’s ability to execute successful trades. The challenge I am encountering is how to rationalize unpredictable moments in the stock market. In other words, the software functions effectively alongside the dynamic market as long as you establish accurate parameters to address unexpected spikes. However, my ability to enhance the settings for unforeseen future events is limited by relying on the algorithm’s response to historical data.


In a nutshell, the strategy behind creating the AI is that I can take advantage of a 24-hour market without having to constantly monitor it. There is always a risk involved, but my goal is to find the optimum settings that equate to a risk that I am comfortable with. You may not completely understand the theory behind this, but essentially, the algorithm is placing trades for you based on volatility and market pressure from buyers and sellers. This is what professional traders are constantly observing, but the software can analyze every single fluctuation of price much more easily.


If you’ve read this far and are intrigued but still struggling to understand the strategy, take my word for it. Most people I explain this to struggle to conceptualize the method. So, just like when reading a scientific paper, ignore the complicated method and focus on the results obtained thus far

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